Month: January 2021

Is your marriage heading toward divorce?

Most people can’t pinpoint one specific incident that led to their divorce. Instead, there are usually a bunch of little things that caused the marriage to dissolve slowly.  Knowing the signs that a marriage is failing may help you to prepare for a divorce or to try...

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What are the downsides to birdnesting?

You may have heard of the positive aspects of "birdnesting," which is when two divorced parents allow the children to stay in the family home. These parents then set up a custody schedule where they move in and out of that house, allowing them each to have custody at...

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How does plea bargaining work?

Plea bargaining can be initiated by either the prosecution or the defense. When a plea bargain is in the works both sides will negotiate the terms of a sentence. When the defense feels that they have reached the right agreement, they will present the bargain to the...

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