Divorce involves not just dividing up the marital assets acquired during the marriage. Marital debt like credit card balances, mortgages and car loans must also be addressed. Understanding how these debts are divided in Michigan can help you prepare for what lies...
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Property Division
Manipulating income to hide assets
If you’re concerned that your spouse is going to try to hide assets during a divorce, there are many ways for them to do it. Some people simply try to transfer assets into hidden locations, such as moving money into an overseas bank account without telling their...
How do people split credit card debt in a Michigan divorce?
During a divorce in Michigan, many people will focus on their property or their arrangements for any children that they share with their spouse. Although it is quite common for married couples in Michigan to have shared financial obligations, including joint credit...
Your standard of living can change when your marriage ends
As your marriage comes to a conclusion and you get divorced, you’re probably thinking about your future and your finances. They are certainly intertwined, especially since you have to split up marital assets with your spouse at this time. In many ways, divorce is a...
Is your spouse trying to hide assets?
You and your spouse have decided that the differences in your marriage are irreconcilable. Divorce is your best option, and proceedings are about to begin. If you have children, then matters related to custody will be your top priority. If not, then you can start...
Here is why you should not hide assets in a divorce
Property division is one of the most contentious issues in any divorce, more so when the couple cannot agree on how to divide the marital estate. In such cases, a judge will determine how the division will proceed, guided by state laws. This can only happen after the...
Organization can protect your finances during the divorce process
Where children are involved, both parents usually put their best interests at the center of divorce proceedings. After that, couples need to take into account the impact that divorce could have on their finances. Every divorce will come at some financial cost, but...
Living together complicates finances
The ongoing pandemic has contributed to the trend of unmarried couples choosing to live together. But non-married couples, like over half of all married spouses, end their relationships. Married and unmarried couples should take steps to protect their property or they...
Money secrets can lead to divorce or influence property division
Do you keep any secrets from your spouse? If so, you’re not alone. Whether it’s to avoid an argument or to spare someone’s feelings, we all tell a fib or lie by omission from time to time. But is it ok to lie about something as important as money? Most people would...
Marital Property vs. Separate Property – What’s the Difference? Grand Rapids Divorce Lawyer Explains
Although ending a marriage is certainly an emotional endeavor, it comes with a long list of financial considerations. In addition to potential child custody and spousal support, divorcing spouses will have to divide assets. Before you divide property, you will have to...