If you’re facing criminal charges, you might be worried about the potential impact it might have on your parental rights and relationship with your child. Will a conviction risk your custody or visitation rights? It all depends on the nature of the conviction and...
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Child Custody
When can a Michigan court award sole physical and legal custody?
Michigan family courts prefer joint custody, where both parents actively share the decision-making and day-to-day responsibilities of raising the child. However, there are instances when a court may decide that awarding sole custody is ideal in light of the...
Modifying a child custody order in Michigan
Life changes, and so do the dynamics of child custody arrangements. The present custody orders may no longer align with the current reality, necessitating a modification. Fortunately, custody orders in Michigan are not permanent and can be adjusted when necessary. ...
4 tips for co-parenting with a toxic ex
Dealing with a toxic spouse is a difficult experience, and you may finally have to divorce them for your sake and the sake of your children. In Michigan, you may have to co-parent with your former spouse after the divorce. This requires establishing a structured and...
What is child custody?
One of the major concerns of parents is how they spend time with their children after a divorce, which is decided through child custody. Child custody determines the responsibilities of each parent to their children. Child custody is split between legal and physical...
What’s a 70/30 child custody split in Michigan?
The 70/30 child custody split is a concept that has gained attention among divorcing couples. Michigan, like most states, recognizes legal and physical custody. Legal custody is the authority parents are granted to make life-changing decisions on behalf of their kids....
How is child custody determined in a Michigan divorce?
If you can amicably agree with your spouse on how you will share custody of the children, well and good. All you have to do is formalize your agreement in court. Here, a judge will review the custody arrangement and approve it if the terms are fair and if it serves...
Custody plans can change when your children start school
Some couples divorce when their children are quite young, so the main custody concerns are ensuring adequate parental access and an appropriate share of child care responsibility, even if that responsibility is primarily financial. When your children are older, there...
Key factors considered during a child custody case
One of the most contentious issues in divorce proceedings is settling matters related to child custody. While property interests and issues of support can take up much of the procedure, the best interests of the child will generally be the top priority of all...
My ex is violating a custody order: What do I do?
Divorce is one of the most stressful life events anyone can ever go through. During the divorce process, some couples step up to the plate, set aside their differences and work towards ensuring that their children receive the best parenting possible. However, it is...