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It’s difficult for drivers to gauge how intoxicated they are

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2025 | Drunk Driving |

It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol. However, many people will have a relatively small amount to drink and still decide to get behind the wheel. For example, someone who has a glass of wine at a steakhouse in Grand Rapids may not think twice about driving home after just one drink.

But the problem is that drinking and driving often becomes a judgment call. Many people who have had a few drinks try to assess whether they are too impaired to drive. However, scientific studies have shown that it may be nearly impossible for individuals to accurately make this determination.

Comparisons to their peers

When scientists ask individuals to rank how impaired they feel and then administer a breath test, they often find that people are far more impaired than they realize.

One significant reason for this is that individuals tend to compare themselves to their peers when trying to gauge their level of intoxication. Because alcohol impairs judgment, it becomes difficult for them to make an objective decision about their ability to drive.

This reliance on comparisons can lead to dangerous situations, depending on who they’re around. For instance, someone who has had a few drinks in a quiet and refined setting—like a college class—may feel severely impaired. But if that same person were in a rowdy nightclub, they might believe they are relatively sober. In both cases, they are basing their perception on the behavior of those around them, which provides no accurate indication regarding whether or not they are too impaired to drive.

Facing drunk driving allegations

This difficulty in making judgment calls can lead to a drunk driving arrest. If you’re facing such charges, it’s important to understand your legal rights and explore your defense options.