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Tips for breaking the news of divorce to your kids

On Behalf of | Sep 14, 2020 | Divorce |

Divorce isn’t easy. It can be extremely emotional, and most people who go through the process struggle to comprehend what their new life will look like. There are financial uncertainties, and familial relationships can change. If the thought of that is stressful for you, just think of the effect that it has on your children. This is why you have to take care when telling your children that you and your spouse are getting a divorce.

Ways to gently break the news of divorce

Keep in mind that regardless of how you break the news of divorce to your children, it’s likely going to be a blow to them. Yet, by keeping the following in mind, you might lessen the impact and better preserve your relationship with them and their wellbeing.

  • Be prepared for emotions. Your children might be sad, angry, frustrated, confused, or some combination of these emotions. That understandable and you should be accepting of those emotions. After all, that’s the only way your children are going to find acceptance of their new life.
  • Don’t blame your spouse. Blaming the divorce on your spouse serves no purpose other than to damage your children’s relationship with your spouse and, perhaps, you. Nothing good comes of it. So, instead, try to present a united front with your spouse, letting your children know that you will still be a family even after the divorce. You can hash out your differences with your spouse in another arena.
  • Be open, honest, and ready to answer questions. Your children are going to have a lot of questions, and they’re going to need a lot of support. Be there for them as much as possible and make them feel comfortable coming to you for whatever it is that they need.
  • Reassure and provide routine. Children need consistency and routine in life. So, although a lot will change in the months to come, shift their focus to the things that won’t change. Also, reassure them that the divorce has nothing to do with them, it’s not their fault, and that you love them.

Why you may need help with all this

Dealing with divorce is complicated, especially when children are involved. We understand the delicate situation that you’re in because we’ve helped countless clients facing similar situations. So, if you have questions or concerns about how best to approach your divorce, especially if you want to minimize its impact on your children, then think about speaking about your situation with your family law attorney.